Details About Who's Who

See here for a list of names.

Anant Agarwal


Kristy Andrews

(``'' as of 1999/09) is a co-developer of Accelerator.

Thomas Ball

Thomas Ball (` as of 1999) works on improving software production through domain-specific languages, automated program analysis, and software visualization. He has helped build tools such as qp/qpt and the Hot Path Browser.

See also The Twelve Days of Christmas, Reverse-Engineered.

Robert A. Baumann


Robert Bedichek

Robert Bedichek (`' as of 1999/07), wrote the g88 simulator while at Tektronix, Talisman while at the University of Washington, and T2 while at MIT.

Robert Bedichek is interested in computer architecture and operating systems and has built Meerkat, a modestly-scalable multiple-processor machine. The lack of good systems analysis tools, however, keeps driving him back to tool-building.

Anita Borg


Bob Boothe


Eric A. Brewer


Steve Chamberlain

Steve Chamberlain (`sac * pobox ; com', as of 1999/07) has written a series of amazing virtual machines including SoftPC and the GNU Simulators. He has also done a lot of work on BFD, GAS, GCC, GLD, etc. for a wide variety of machines.

Lee Kiat Chia

Lee Kiat Chia, ( as of 1995/06) is part of Purdue's Binary Emulation and Translation group.

Cristina Cifuentes

Cristina Cifuentes (``'' or ``'' both as of 1998) has studied decompilation extensively and wrote dcc. Cristina was previously at UTAS (here, `' as of 1994).

Bob Cmelik

Bob Cmelik (`' as of 1995/03 [Link broken, please e-mail <> to get it fixed.]), wrote the Spix static instrumentation tools and the Shade simulation and tracing tool while at Sun Microsystems, and helped to design and implement Crusoe at Transmeta.

Thomas M. Conte

Thomas M. Conte ( as of 2001/08/31) is one of the editors of [Conte & Gimarc 95].

Don Eastlake

Don Eastlake ( as of July 1995) wrote the instruction execution engine of 11SIM.

Alan Eustace

Alan Eustace (`' as of 1994) worked with Amitabh Srivastava to develop ATOM.

U. Faber


D. A. Fisher


Richard M. Fujimoto

Richard M. Fujimoto (`', as of 1994) has worked on several simulators, including dis+mod+run, Simon, and a variety of time-warp simulation systems.

Torbjorn Granlund

Torbjorn Granlund (`', as of 1994) has worked on simulators both at the Swedish Institute for Computer Science and at Cygnus.

Note: the second ``o'' in ``Torbjorn'' should have an umlaut over it, but so far no umlaut appears here.

Bill Haygood

Bill Haygood ( as of July 1999) wrote portable PDP-8, Z-80, and LSI-11 simulators. His home page contains a short writeup [Haygood 1999] on computation/space tradeoffs (e.g., lookup tables for condition codes).

Tom R. Halfhill

Tom R. Halfhill ( and as of March 2000) writes for Microprocessor Report and before that wrote for Byte and other technology magazines. He has been watching and writing about emulation for quite a while. Articles include [Halfhill 94], [Halfhill 94b], and [Halfhill 00].

Steve Herrod

Steve Herrod ( or as of January 2002) has been involved with Tango Lite, studying about and writing a paper called ``Memory System Performance of UNIX on CC-NUMA Multiprocessors'', a hardware, trace-based evaluation of IRIX on the Stanford DASH multiprocessor, SimOS, the Crusoe processor, and VMWare.

Mark Horowitz


Tor Jeremiassen

(`tor*ti;com' as of 2003/10).

R. E. Kessler


James R. Larus

James R. Larus, (`larus * microsoft ; com' as of 2003/11) specializes in compiler- and architecutre-related projects and has worked on EEL, SPIM, qp/qpt and WWT.

Georgia Lazana


Peter S. Magnusson

Peter Magnusson (`psm * virtutech ; com' as of 2003/10) built SimICS and its predecessor, gsim while at the Swedish Institute for Computer Science. As of 2003/10 he is president and CEO of Virtutech.

Cathy May

Cathy May (may * watson ; ibm ; com) is author of Mimic, which performed dynamic translation of groups of blocks of target code to groups of blocks of host code.

Vijay S. Pai

Vijay S. Pai (vijaypai * rice ; edu as of 2003/11) was coauthor of RSIM at Rice.


Pardo (`pardo * xsim ; com' as of 1999/03) helped with the design and implementation of MPtrace and the design of Shade, both while at the University of Washington. He was an original Crusoe architect and implmentor.

Pardo is most infamous for his shameless promotion of Run-Time Code Generation (also known as self-modifying code), and he also suffers from interests in compilers, computer architecture, operating systems, performance analysis, and a bunch of other stuff.

Russell Quong

Russell W. Quong (at Sun Microsystems as of 2002/10) directed Purdue's Binary Emulation and Translation group and also built very-large workload simulators at Sun.

Norman Ramsey

Norman Ramsey (`norman*eecs;purdue;edu' as of 2003) spends a lot of time trying to solve portability problems and is responsible for the New Jersey Machine Code Toolkit. He also has an ongoing interest in debuggers, interpreters, linkers, and so on.

E. W. Reigel


Steven K. Reinhardt

Steven K. Reinhardt (`' as of 1994) spends a lot of time simulating multiple-processor machines. He's spent a lot of time working on WWT.

Mendel Rosenblum

Mendel Rosenblum (`' as of 1999, also probably `') has both spent a lot of time simulating multiple-processor machines, and lately, at VMWare, simulating uniprocessors nested virtual machines.

Duane Sand

Duane Sand (``'', as of 1999/09) designed and helped write Accelerator, used to migrate Tandem's application base and OS from their proprietary processor to a MIPS-based processor.

Richard L. Sites


Richard L. Sites


M. D. Smith

Michael D. Smith ( as of 1999/08) works on computer architectures and compilation for those architectures. Instruction-Set Simulator and tracing tool papers include Pixie.

Rok Sosic

Rok Sosic ( as of 1995/09) wrote Dynascope and Dynascope-II. Note: The `c' in Rok's name should have a `v'-shaped accent over it, but HTML doesn't seem to have that accent.

Amitabh Srivastava

Amitabh Srivastava (`' as of 1994) worked with David W. Wall to develop OM and with Alan Eustace to develop ATOM.

Richard M. Stallman

Richard M. Stallman ( as of July 1995) wrote the device emulation engine of 11SIM.

Thai Wey Then

Thai Wey Then (at Purdue as of 1995/06) is part of Purdue's Binary Emulation and Translation group.

David Wall

David Wall ( as of 95/08) has worked on several compiler tools that operate at or near link time, including Titan tracing and OM.

Maurice V. Wilkes

Maurice V. Wilkes, is generally considered the inventor of microcode. Wilkes cites various authors who've proposed or used microcode to implement high-performance emulators.

Wilkes is also one of the ``grandparents'' of computing. He was around the day that EDSAC became the world's first opreational general-purpose programmable computer. He is credited with saying that they ``discovered'' debugging that very same day while attempting to execute a simple program for generating a table of prime numbers (see ``The Multics System'' by Elliot I. Organick, The MIT Press 1972, pg. 127).

Emmett Witchel

Emmet Witchel (`' as of 1995, `' as of 1994) worked on SimOS.

Marinos "nino" Yannikos

Marinos "nino" Yannikos ( is the author of STonX and helped with this web page.

From instruction-set simulation and tracing